Our Staff
Cornerstone Dermatology PC is a family owned, local small business in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. There are many factors that you consider when choosing a care provider, including reputation and previous patient experiences. You need a dermatologist, like Dr. Daniel Zavadak, who is personable, knowledgeable and experienced. Collaboratively, our staff works to provide the highest level of care and continuous transparent communication.
We can’t wait to meet you!
Dermatology Residency University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Pittsburgh, PA
July 1992 -July 1995Preliminary Year of Internal Medicine Barnes Hospital Washington University School of Medicine
July 1991 -July 1992University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Pittsburgh, PA M.D.
May 1991Washington and Jefferson College Washington, PA B.A. in Physics
Sept. 1985 - May 1987Penn State University State College, PA Electrical Engineering
Sept. 1982 - May 1985
Westmoreland Dermatology Associates Group Practice Greensburg, PA
July 1995 -July 1996Dermatology Associates of Lebanon and Hershey Group Practice Lebanon, PA
July 1996 - Dec. 2002Cornerstone Dermatology Solo Practice Lebanon, PA
Jan 2003- present